
Who better to steer a ship, than the very man who built it? Having steered IBS from one success to another since 1999, Sameer Madan has proven this adage time and time again.
Armed with an MBA in Marketing and an entrepreneurial drive, Sameer transformed IBS from a 3 member office in New Delhi to a pan India network with over 950 people. He has worked with a number of brands, across numerous verticals in the BPO, DM and loyalty program space. Sameer continuously strives to expand IBS and maintain its reputation as an industry standard in innovation and strategy.
Managing Director

If Sameer is the Captain, then Mohit Madan is the first mate. Part of the IBS Alpha Team, Mohit has been instrumental in achieving organizational excellence, by leveraging Information Technology for Human Resources competitiveness.
Mohit heads business operations and service delivery across all business lines and geographies. He also leads the People, Infrastructure & Technology initiatives at IBS and is responsible for key functions such as resource fulfilment and resource optimization.
Chief Operating Officer

Defined by her strong leadership skills, Anu Madan is the first employee of IBS. And arguably its best. Having worked with a Fortune 500 company, and possessing sharp analytical skills and operational knowledge, She is the best person for her job.
Anu leads service delivery across business verticals and geographies with a focus on managing global operations, driving best practices, cost efficiency and end-to-end solutions.
Anu Madan
VP – Operations

Diversity is what sets Anshuman Chatterjee apart. With a wide range of experience in HR & Quality Compliance (ISO) in the ITES, Software Development and Publishing industries, Anshuman fits right in, here at IBS.
An MBA in HR, qualified in I.T & Quality domain management Anshuman is responsible for HR and quality compliance operations across IBS.
Anshuman Chatterjee –
Sr. Manager HR

With 35 years of experience in finance, accounting, taxation, banking, payroll, Naveed Gupta has carved a solid reputation for himself across the industry.
At IBS, Naveen has held various financial roles over the last 10 years. His contributions in the areas of Payroll Management and Corporate Taxation in particular, have been remarkable.
Naveen Gupta
Head – Finance & Accounts

With a hire rate of 5-8%, at IBS only the best get in. We select candidates from pools of pre-screened applicants, who are then trained for proficiency in over 15 languages depending on their process.
At IBS, we focus on retention just as strongly as we focus on recruitment. As a result we have some of the best numbers when it comes to employee retention.
Tenure Category | Annualized Turnover |
3-6 months | 19.7% |
6-9 months | 16.9% |
9-12 months | 11.3% |
Over 12 months | 7.6% |